Learning is a life-long process and teachers are charged with inculcating students with behaviours and skills that will assist them on journeys beyond their school years – no matter where a child is in the world. Such journeys need to involve equitable and diverse learning experiences that respect the rights for all children to receive a quality education, girls and boys alike.

Our students today participate in a global network of different cultures, beliefs and ideas, at a time when whole nations of children are being left behind due to circumstances beyond their control.  Creating a world of informed and empathetic citizens can be our only future.  A future where our children are given the opportunity to become our technology explorers, global leaders, care givers and innovators.

Teachers and schools throughout the world need to aim to direct and guide inclusive learning experiences for a diverse array of talents, abilities, needs and interests, collaboratively creating experiences that will shape and embolden students to take initiative as active citizens in future environmental, economic and social challenges.

The principle goal of education is to create individuals who are capable of doing new things, not simply repeating what other generations have done.

                                                                                Jean Piaget 1896 – 1980


It is therefore essential that we work together on a global educational initiative, where students around the world are equally allowed and expected to:

  • explore and think critically about global  issues,
  • listen openly to the perspective of others,
  • participate in situations empathetically,
  • respect themselves, others and the environment,
  • and, create exponentially.

Children are national treasures…..
